(732) 219-7001  info@vrds.com



Course Length: 2 Days
Prerequisites: Introduction to Data Analytics 1


Course Description

In this course, participants learn how to apply forecasting theories to practical problems such as planning and decision-making. Participants get an overview of the elements of forecasting and the building blocks of examining and presenting several different quantitative forecasting methodologies. Finally, participants are taught a number of descriptive statistics and performance measures, as well as the graphical methods with which to analyze their data.


Topics covered in class are relevant to all levels of experience. Our instructors simplify complex topics and present them clearly and concisely. Case studies and in-class exercises allow the participant to combine and utilize concepts learned during the course.


Our Unique Approach to Training


Learning data analysis doesn’t have to be a burden. Some suggest “to learn” is our most basic human need. We strive to develop courses so you have fun learning: flinging, spinning, and conducting acts of physical and mental creativity. Read on >>



Who should take the Methods and Applications for Forecasting course?




This course is ideal for analysts, researchers, scientists, Lean Six Sigma practitioners or any employee of an organization who desires to or is required to know about how to go beyond basic data analysis and use analytical techniques to prove statistical differences in two or more sets data.

Training with JMP, Minitab or Excel


In addition to data analytics training, participants will learn and work with the industry’s leading data analysis software (Excel, Minitab or JMP.). We provide this hands-on training because VRDS believes the best way to learn something is to do it. By using these tools to complete individual and group projects throughout the course, participants learn concepts, application and software at the same time.

Customized Courses


VRDS will customize any on-site course(s) to suit the unique business requirements of our clients. From the modification of standard curriculum to new course development, we will provide the education and training your organization needs to be more productive in today’s competitive environment.

Schedule and Location


This Six Sigma Certification course is taught on-demand at your facilities. If you do not have facilities that are suitable, VRDS can arrange facilities with the necessary equipment in the most convenient location for your participants. Contact us for more information about this course.

Interested in any of our provided services? Contact us today!