(732) 219-7001  info@vrds.com

Lean Six Sigma

VRDS proudly offers our Lean Six Sigma courses to any individual who would like to be certified as a Six Sigma professional, including Black Belt, Green Belt and Champion among others.

These courses provide an in-depth look at a particular topic or set of topics critical to initiating, implementing and completing Six Sigma projects. Participants will examine case studies and group projects, including current challenges from their day-to-day business activities. Instructors teach each course in an easy-to-follow method that makes learning as fun as it is challenging.


Our Lean Six Sigma courses are as follow. Click any title to read the full description:

Our Unique Approach to Training


Learning doesn’t have to be a burden. Some suggest “to learn” is our most basic human need. We strive to develop courses so you have fun learning: flinging, spinning, and conducting acts of physical and mental creativity.


Read all about our unique approach.

Interested in any of our provided services? Contact us today!